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Ρινοπλαστική 2021: Aξιολόγηση κριτική Google, Οκτώβριος

I live in London and traveled to Athens to have a rhinoplasty with Dr. Pavlidelis, and I’m so glad I did! I researched and talked to many doctors over the period of a year and ended up choosing him because I liked his previous work, and he made me feel that I was in the right hands. From the beginning, I had the best experience.
Everyone in his office was kind, welcoming, and answered all my questions. Dr. Pavlidelis not only fixed my breathing issue but also gave me a fantastic nose that still looks like me (which is what I asked for). It suits my face, looks natura and is better than I expected! Before the surgery, he gave me realistic expectations and didn’t overpromise anything - but he definitely over-delivered. I was also very impressed with the aftercare I received and how closely he monitored my healing process.
Choosing a surgeon for your face can be difficult as you put so much trust in one person, buτ ιf you’re considering it and want a nose that looks beautiful, natural, and allows you to breathe properly, I definitely recommend dr. Pavlidelis. He simply knows what he’s doing!